Cristina Fernández Cubas. "The Attics of Brumal." Short Story International 80 (June 1990): 53-75.
Cristina Fernández Cubas. "In the Southern Hemisphere." Kansas Quarterly 23.1/2 (1992): 83-93.
Cristina Fernández Cubas. "My Sister Elba." Student Short Story International 13.52 (1993): 45-64.

For list of works on this author, see
* About Cristina Fernandez Cubas

Martina Mayoral. "Nine Months and a Day." K1N (, Univ. of Ottawa), 4 (2013.12).

For list of works on this author, see
* About Marina Mayoral

Paloma Díaz Mas. "We Wanted to Fly." Crab Creek Review 6.3 (1990): 16. Reprinted Crab Creek Review, 10th anniversary anthology, "Best of Our Past," 1994: 6-7.

Paloma Díaz Mas. "The Masterpiece." Short Story International 88 (October 1991): 89-94.


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