Lady Strass (Alternate Title: Helena and the Hoodlums)
Translated from the French. Original title: Lady Strass

Susanne Wasson in Lady Strass,
Ubu Repertory.

Photo: Jonathan Slaff.

Two would-be thieves break into a house they believe to be abandoned. There they are confronted by an eccentric British woman who forces them into helping her act out moments from her past. This metatheatrical play is often humorous but ends on a poignant note.

2 men (one middle-aged French, one young Guatemalan), 1 woman (elderly British)
1 set: room that has served for amateur theatricals in a boarded-up house in Belize

First directed by Roger Blin, Poche-Montparnasse, Paris, 1977. First American staging by Ubu Repertory, New York City, October 1-20 1996. Dir. André Ernotte. English translation published in Modern International Drama 28.1 (1992): 5-35and, in slightly revised version, in