Tonight or Never (Cette nuit ou jamais)

A funny and yet philosophical metatheatrical comedy, perhaps with oneiric touches. It is night in a lonely, small town police station. An actress, who has had a minor and somewhat perplexing accident on the highway, is surprised that the police officer does not recognize her. He keeps her there on various pretexts throughout most of the night, gradually revealing that his dream had been to be an actor. When he enters into a play-within-the-play with her, he proves his lack of acting talent. At dawn, when she is about to leave, she learns that the secret he zealously guards in a locked cupboard is a collection of her clippings and photos.

1 man, 1 woman. Single set.

This play by a young Belgian playwright received its premiere production in Paris, 25 October 1995-15 March 1996, at the Théâtre du Lucernaire. Dir. Pascal Legitimus. It was performed in Brussels, Théâtre de la Vallette, in 1997. The English translation is as yet unpublished and unstaged.

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