THE OTHER WILLIAM (El otro William) by Jaime Salom

A metatheatrical farce that identifies the 6th Earl of Derby as the real author of the works signed by Shakespeare. Interweaves the Earl's humorous personal difficulties with lines from Shakespeare's plays. Two acts.

4 men, 3 women
Single set: a library in Chester Castle, with bookcases that can open to serve as doors.

World premiere, Centro Cultural de la Villa, Madrid, January 1998.

Published by Colorado University Press, 2004, in Three Comedies by Jaime Salom. Behind the Scenes in Eden, Trans. Marion Peter Holt; Rigmaroles, Trans.Gregary J. Racz; The Other William, Trans. Phyllis Zatlin

Script in hand reading of wedding scene.
Jolene Lichtenwalner and Len Mazzara.
Literary Translation
Conference, Stevens Institute, 1998.

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